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Bible Quiz #311: Philip Preaches Jesus to the Ethiopian


1. CHOOSE: Who told Philip to go toward the south along the road which went down from Jerusalem to Gaza?

  1. Simon

  2. Peter and John

  3. An angel of the Lord

2. The Ethiopian , whom Philip encountered on this road, was a what, and what was his job?

3. Who was the queen of Ethiopia?

4. Why had the Ethiopian been in Jerusalem?

5. Who was the Old Testament prophet reading in his chariot?

6. Who sent Philip to overtake the Ethiopian’s chariot?

7. While Philip was preaching Jesus to the Ethiopian, what question did the Ethiopian ask Phlip?

8. What did the Ethiopian confess?

9. CHOOSE: How did Philip baptize the Ethiopian?

  1. Philip went to the water alone and wetted his hand so he could sprinkle water on the Ethiopian

  2. Philip went to the water alone and filled a cup with water, so he could pour it on the Ethiopian

  3. Both Philip and the Ethiopian went down into the water to be baptized then came up out of the water (immersed)

10. COMPLETE: After being baptized, the Ethiopian “went on his way ______________.”

Scriptures to check your answers: Acts 8:26-40

Your Score: __________

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